LMMP Team attending COBEM 2023

Graduate students and researchers from LMMP/PUC-Rio are attending the 27th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2023) that will be held in Florianopolis, Brazil, from December 4-8, 2023. This is the main event of the ABCM (Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering) and reflects all topics of mechanical sciences and engineering covered by the 19 technical committees of the ABCM.

The presentations summarize results of research projects being developed at LMMP/PUC-Rio. The titles of the presentations are:

1) Relative Permeability curves measurement and visualization of pore-scale multiphase flow in fractured porous media, by Vivian M. de Souza, Jorge Antonio Avendaño Benavides , Brenda Maria de Castro Costa and Marcio Carvalho.

2) Encapsulation and Release of HCl in PDMS capsules, by Ademir Freire , Mateus Lima, Amanda Pessoa, Bruna Costa Leopércio and Marcio Carvalho.

3) Equivalence between Brinkman, Single and Double Continuum Models in the Description of Single Phase Flow in 2D Vuggy Porous Media, by Daniel Campos, Marcos Machado and Marcio Carvalho.

4) Destabilization of Water-Oil Emulsion by Drop Interface Deformation, by Tálita Coffler Botti, Anthony Hutin and Marcio Carvalho.

5) Pore-Scale Flow Prediction using Physics Informed Neural Networks, by Pedro Calderano, Helon Vicente Hultmann Ayala and Marcio Carvalho.

6) Effect of Relative Permeability Curves on Near Well Gas Condensate Flow, by Debora Yohane Martins, Paula Kozlowski Pitombeira Reis and Marcio Carvalho.

7) Experimental Investigation of Emulsion Flow at Pore Scale in Fractured Porous Media, by Alandmara Rosa Dionizio Leôncio, Ranena Ponce, Lisa Biswal and Marcio Carvalho.

8) Characterization of two-dimensional reservoir based on transient pressure and temperature data using ensemble-based method, by José A. Cardoso, Vinicius Mattoso, Danmer Maza Quiñones and Marcio Carvalho.

9) Pressure and Temperature Response of Stratified Reservoirs During Well Tests, by Vinicius Mattoso, Danmer Maza Quiñones, abelardo barreto, Frederico Gomes and Marcio Carvalho.

10) Slot Die Coating of Thixotropic Liquids, by Carlos Sanchez, Danmer Maza Quiñones and Marcio Carvalho.

More details about the research projects at LMMP/PUC-Rio can be found in our web page (lmmp.mec.puc-rio.br). Please contact us if you want to learn about these research projects in more detail.